Semaine de la diplomatie : 24 - 28 avril 2023. Pour consulter le programme, cliquez ici : link

Past events





  • 10.05.2019 – First presentation of the associative project by Pablo Demierre 


  • 19.05.2019 – Constituent Assembly with Joachim Guggenheim, Lucie Engdahl, Michelangelo de Lisi, Alexandre Veuthey, Tiffany Hemecker, Christina Parfene, Jessica Belmonte, Andoni Garrido Zamora, Cedric Pfanner, Adrien Mehmeti, Geraldine Künzli.


  • 23.09.2019 – Conference with Jacques de Watteville, former Secretary of State : Être diplomate aujourd’hui : « comment servir son pays dans le contexte international actuel ?». (Being a diplomat today : “how to serve your country in today’s international context ?”)


  • 26.09.2019 – Workshop with Elisabeth Decrey Warner, founder of Geneva Call and research fellow at the GCSP: « La Négociation dans des contextes de guerre » (Negotiations in the context of war context).


  • 26.10.2019 – Culture and Institutions : visit to the Musée des Suisses dans le Monde (Museum of the Swiss People in the World).


  • 27.09.2019 – First General Assembly.


  • 28.10.2019 – Interview with the Fréquence Banane radio station during the “dans ton campus” show.


  • 21.11.2019 – Workshop: International Humanitarian Law and virtual reality  (in partnership with the ICRC).


  • 04.12.2019 – Conference with Caroline Galactéros, Geopragma President  and Doctor of Politics (PhD) « Vers un nouveau Yalta: Perspectives géopolitiques au Moyen-Orient » ( “Towards a New Yalta : Geopolitical perspectives in the Middle-East”).


  • 09.01.2020 – Official recognition by the University of Geneva


  • 21.02.2020 – Workshop with Emmanuel Bichet, Deputy Director for European Affairs at the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs  (FDFA) : « État des relations Suisse-UE et Brexit »(State of Swiss-EU relationships and Brexit).


  • 01.03.2020 – Culture and Institutions : Visit to the « War and Peace » exhibition at the Martin Bodmer Foundation.


  • 10.03.2020 – Debate with His Excellency François Croquette, French Human Rights Ambassador and Jack Jarnusziewicz, artist, in partnership with L’Association des Étudiant.e.s Francophones (Francophone Student Association).


  • 17.03.2020 – Conference with Franz Perrez, Swiss Ambassador for Environment : « Politique internationale pour l’environnement, le rôle de la Suisse ». (International Policy for the Environment: Switzerland’s role) (cancelled due to Covid-19).


  • 18.03.2020 – Workshop with the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe : « COP 21 : Adapter la mobilité urbaine » (COP 21 : Adapt urban transit) (cancelled due to Covid-19).


  • 07.05.2020 – Workshop « Atelier d’éloquence » (Rhetoric skills workshop) with Hugo Houbart, teaching and research Assistant at the Global Studies Institute and second award winner of the Concours Romand d’Eloquence in 2019(Francophone Rhetoric Speech Contest)


  • 22.09.2020 – Culture and Institutions : « être Consul honoraire : quel rôle, quelles fonctions ? » (Being honorary Consul, the role, the missions  ?) with Jean Marc Probst, Honorary Consul for the Federal Republic of Germany


  • 13.10.2020 – Conference with Franz Perrez, Swiss Ambassador for the Environment : « Politique internationale pour l’environnement, le rôle de la Suisse ». (International Policy for the Environment : Switzerland’s role).


  • 22.10.2020 – Conference – Round Table Discussion : “War privatisation : stakes and challenges” in partnership with Security and Human Rights Academy (SHR) and Foraus. Panellists were : Nelleke Van Amstel, Research Associate at the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights ; Jamie Wiliamson, Executive Director at the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers’ Association (ICoCA), Ataa Dabour,  founding President of Security and Human Rights Association and  Nicolas Penseyres, President of the Société des Officiers de l’Université de Fribourg. (Univeristy of Fribourg Officer’s Society) 



  • 4.12.2020 – Workshop  “Advocating for fair internships : how to persuade a diplomat ?” in partnership with the Fair Internship Initiative (FII). Participants : Florence Foster, Representative, Peace and Disarmament at Quaker United Nations Office ;  Marc Finaud, Head of arms proliferation at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).


  • 16.12.2020 – Culture and Institutions, Debate around the movie « Mayrig (1991)» with  Vicken Cheterian, political scientist, journalist and author.


  • 4.02.2021 – Student round-table talk « Russia – Switzerland Relations » in partnership with the Future World Diplomats Students club  (FWD)


  • 23.03.2021 – Sustainable Development Goals : Genevan cantonal strategy with Giancarlo Copetti, project manager at the Genevan Canton’s service for Sustainable Development


  • 28.04.2021 – “La traite des êtres humains : forme contemporaine d’esclavage, un défi mondial” (Human trafficking : present-day forms of slavery, a global challenge) with His Excellency Michel Veuthey, Ambassador of the Order of Malta


  • 05.05.2021 – Networking Lunch : meeting with His Excellence Omar Zniber, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations in Geneva  


  • 11.05.2021 – Conference “What is Switzerland’s role in NATO ?”  with Dr. Philipp Häsler, Minister, Deputy Chief of Mission to NATO at Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, and Lieutenant-colonel Blaise Pelletier, Swiss Armed Forces representative at NATO – Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in Norfolk.


  • 17.05.2021 – e-Workshop on Zoom : Water, a matter of cooperation or cause for conflict ? with Léna Salamé, lawyer, mediator and specialist in conflict resolution ; Christian Bréthaut, assistant teacher the Institute for Environmental Sciences and Geneva Water Hub Director


  • 18.05.2021 – Conference : Sport and Diplomacy , with Carole Gomez, Research Director in Sports Geopolitics at IRIS and Michel Fillau, senior adviser at the International Basketball Federation 


  • 26.09.2021 – Cultural visit to the French Embassy in Bern on the them “Art and Diplomacy” with His Excellency Frederic Journes and Renaud Lallement.


  • 07.10.2021 – Conference : “Private diplomacy, or how to account for capital cities that have yet to exist” with Guillaume Charron, head of the Genevan seat of the Independant Diplomat 


  • 24.10.2021 – Diplomatic Run for Colombia: charity run in the Nations neighborhood  


  • 10.11.2021 – Conference : travailler dans l’humanitaire (Working in the humanitarian field), with Kamel Deriche, Senior Advisor and founder of Kamel Deriche Consulting 


  • 18.11.2021 – Workshop on etiquette : “Dining with Diplomats” with Esteve Boyd, etiquette specialist


  • 20.11.2021 – Visit to the Red Cross museum


  • 25.11.2021 – Conference : La politique monétaire de la BNS: enjeux et perspectives (SNB monetary policy : stakes and perspectives) with Jean-Marc Falter, SNB delagate for economic relations for the Geneva, Jura and Neuchâtel canton


  • 25.11.2021 – Conference : Diplomatie ; des clichés à la réalité (Diplomacy: from clichés to reality) with His Excellency Francis Cousin, former ambassador and freelance consultant 


  • 30.11.2021 – Visit to the Piaget factory in Geneva


  • 8.12.2021 – Workshop with Jean-Marc Béguin, chief editor for radio magazines at RTS


  • 02.03.2022 – Conference: “Rôle de l’Arabie Saoudite au sein de l’OMC : enjeux commerciaux et représentation féminine” (The Role of Saudi Arabia at the WTO: Commercial Issues and Feminine Representation) with Ms. Maha Gabani, negotiation and legal advisor expert – Permanent Delegation of Saudi-Arabia at the WTO


  • 08.03.2022 – Conference: “Diplomatic communication in Fribourg and Switzerland” with Jenny Piaget, Head of Human Rights Diplomacy at the State Secretariat of the FDFA, Matthieu Gilabert, professor and researcher at the Department of Contemporary History at University of Fribourg, Christina Graf, Co-Head of the “Diplomatie” program at Foraus.


  • 18.03.2022 – Workshop with “Horizon Académique”


  • 29.03.2022 – Visit of the Permanent Mission of Canada to the WTO; Workshop « Smart Cities : des dangers et dérives technologiques ? » (Smart Cities : Dangers and Technological Derivatives) with Mr. Patrick Montier, Smart City Manager for the canton of Geneva and Mr. Grégoire Barbey, journalist for innovations solutions at


  • 04.04 to 09.04.2022 – Children’s Rights Week in partnership with Terre des Hommes : Conference “Derrière chaque enfant, il y a une mère” (Behind every Child There’s a Mother) by Nelly Staderini, sexual, reproductive and sexual abuse officer for Médecins Sans Frontières; Workshop “Coopération au développement et gestion des risques sécuritaires” (Development Cooperation and Security Risk Management; Training “Droits digitaux des enfants” (Children’s Digital Rights); Training “Droit à un environnement sain” (Right to a Healthy Environment); Exchange “Une jeunesse de réfugié.e.x, : partage autour d’un voyage incertain” (A Refugee’s Youth: An Exchange on An Uncertain Journey ) 


  • 12.04.2022 – Conference: “Entre violence armée et protection des civils: comment le Comité international de la croix-rouge œuvre-t-il pour faire respecter le droit international humanitaire?” (In Between Armed Violence and the Protection of Civilians: How does the International Committee of the Red Cross Works to Uphold International Humanitarian Law?) with Mr. Etienne Kuster, Adviser for relations with academic circles and Mr. Julio Veiga-Bezerra, Legal Associate at the ICRC


  • 25.04.2022 – Networking: “Diplomatie numérique: concepts, interactions et causalités” (Digital Diplomacy: Concepts, Interactions, and Causalities) with Mr. Christian Pauletto, Professor at the International University in Geneva


  • 30.04.2022 – Wine tasting and visit of the Lavaux Vinorama


  • 23.07.2022 – Conference: “Le travail de plaidoyer de Handicap International pour la protection des civils: de la signature du traité d’Ottawa en 1997 au combat contre les armes explosives aujourd’hui” (Handicap International’s Advocacy Work for the Protection of Civilians: from the Signing of the Ottawa Treaty in 1997 to the Fight Against Explosive Weapons Today) ; with Mme Anne Héry, Handicap International’s Advocacy Director and Mr. Jean-Baptiste Richardier, co-founder of Handicap International


  • 23.07.2022 – Conference: “Smart cities: Quels enjeux sécuritaires pour les villes de demain?” (Smart cities: What are the Security Challenges for the Cities of Tomorrow?) ; with Mr. Mauro Verderosa, founder of Swiss Cybersecurity, and Mr. Pablo Demierre, political scientist and founder of the SDSA


  • 14.11.2022 – Visit of the Grand Council of Geneva, with Mr. Jean-Luc Forni, President of the Grand Council


  • 23.11.2022 – Conference: “Around the World with Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees” in collaboration with the associations Foraus, GIMUN, and STIG


  • 07.12.2022 – Visit of the Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN and the WTO


  • 08.12.2022 – “Les métiers de la diplomatie: Concours, profils et perspectives” (Diplomatic Professions: Competitions, profiles and perspectives), with Mr. Thomas Baumgartner, Diplomat and Head of the Profiles and Recruitment Unit at the FDFA


  • 08.12.2022 – Les métiers de la diplomatie: Concours, profils et perspectives, avec M. Thomas Baumgartner, Diplomate et Chef de l’unité Profils et recrutement au DFAE


  • 14.12.2022 – Workshop: “Learn how to handle a diplomatic negotiation”, with Ms. Leonie Mädje, FII Regional Coordinator for Europe, and Francisco Charrua, FII Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 06.03.2023 – Workshop: social policy with Mr. Thierry Apothéloz, Councillor of the State of Geneva


  • 21.03.2023 – Conference: “De l’art de la négociation, au décryptage du non-verbal et du protocole en diplomatie” (From the art of negotiation, to deciphering non-verbal communication and protocol in diplomacy), with the Consul General of France in Geneva


  • 27.03.2023 – Conference: “Guerre en Ukraine: défis et opportunités pour le droit international humanitaire” (War in Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities for International Humanitarian Law), with Mr. Marco Sassòli, Professor of Law and, at the beginning of the conflict, member of an OSCE fact-finding mission on violations of International Humanitarian Law and human rights in Ukraine


  • 19.04.2023 – Children’s Rights Week: Workshop: “Le droit à un environnement sain pour les enfants: enjeux et mises en oeuvre” (The Right to a Healthy Environment for Children: Challenges and Implementations), with Mrs Costanza Martinez, Climate and Child Rights Advisor, Save the Children International


  • 24.04.2023 – Diplomacy Week: Conference: “Le rôle du diplomate aujourd’hui” (The Role of the Diplomat Today) with H.E. Jérôme Bonnafont, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations Office at Geneva and international organizations in Switzerland


  • 25.04.2023 – Diplomacy Week: Workshop: “Booster sa candidature: Postulation, Programmes de Relève et Entretiens” (Boost your Candidacy: Application, Succession Programs and Interviews), with Mr. Beat Geiser, Advisor and trainer at CINFO, and Mr. Natal Donnaloia, HR Advisor and senior officer at CINFO


  • 26.04.2023 – Diplomacy Week: Guided tour of the Palais des Nations


  • 26.04.2023 – Diplomacy Week: Round Table: “Le rôle de la Suisse dans la diplomatie onusienne” (The role of Switzerland in UN diplomacy), with H.E Jürg Lauber, Ms. Corinne Momal-Vanian, Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, and Mr. Stéphane Bussard


  • 27.04.2023 – Diplomacy Week: Interview: “La place de la diplomatie dans les différents corps de métiers” (The Place of Diplomacy in Different Professions), with Mr Jean-Marc Comte, Ms Viera Pejchal, and Ms Mavy Spadotto


  • 28.04.2023 – Diplomacy Week: Workshop: “Booster son profil LinkedIn” (Boost your LinkedIn profile), with Ms Sarah-Ann Dupérier, Communications Officer at Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland


  • 02.05.2023 – Conference: “The Management of Migration: Struggle for Consensus” with Prof. Christian Koller, Mr. Mark Engler, Mrs Veronika Shaposhnyk and Mrs Joelle Spahni, in collaboration with POLITO and YES


  • 09.05.2023 – Tour of the World Trade Organisation


  • 23.05.2023 – Visit to the protocol department at Geneva airport: Discovering the diplomatic reception process


  • 26.05.2023 – Diplomacy and humanitarian action: visit to the International Committee of the Red Cross, with archivist Fabrizio Bensi and historian Daniel Palmieri